Mission Statement
The Verge Online Magazine is a student run website comprised of communication students dedicated to the fair, unbiased, and balanced reporting of convergent media. It was created with the purpose of providing the Monmouth University community with information and issues regarding the school and to act as a forum for the expression of the ideas of its audience. It allows students that are interested in journalism, communication, and other multimedia to gain experience while also exploring the alternative platforms that are used in the creation and dissemination of the news today.
Writing Guidelines for Verge Writers:
The Verge prides itself on producing professional, journalistic content. The Verge adheres to AP style in all of our articles. All of our writers are expected to include an attention grabbing lead that suits the nature and tone of the story. Writers are expected to answer the 5 W’s of journalism: who, what, when, where, why. We require that out articles maintain a length of at least 600 words. Our writers are expected to include quotes from members of the Monmouth University community, be it from a student or staff member, and are encouraged to include as many sources as necessary for a successful article. As with all news, The Verge writing staff is expected to cover articles that are timely, significant to the Monmouth University community, and relate to the interests of our readers. Writers are expected to consider their audience when composing an article and infuse articles with a Monmouth edge.
Code of Ethics:
At The Verge we rely on a high standard of journalistic ethics and derive our ethical standards from the SPJ code of ethics in order to maintain the credibility of the publication. All of The Verge writers are expected to comply with the code of conduct set forth by SPJ and maintain a high level of professionalism.
The Verge prides itself on reporting factual news. Articles are void of bias and include citation and identification of sources when applicable. We strive to publish stories containing complete and accurate information. In the case that inaccurate information is published on our site, we work to correct the error as quickly as possible. Undercover methods of news gathering are avoided at The Verge, and all Verge staff members are expected to be far, honest, reasonable, diligent, and respectful. Stereotypes, hate speech, or intolerance based on race, ethnicity, or gender are not permitted in any news story.
The Verge writers actively pursue the truth and rely on institutional transparency and access to all sources. All potential sources are included in the interview process and are chosen based on their reliability and credibility. Verge writers treat all of their sources with fairness and respect and are expected to question the motives of their sources in order to determine their credibility. Writers take “on the record” and “off the record” requests seriously and understand the importance of protecting their sources when necessary.
The Verge maintains a clear distinction between advertising and news. The Verge neither offers nor accepts monetary compensation for news stories.