
Rebirth at Monmouth

Video by Kel Grant

This past semester, our staff developed the following mission statement to guide our projects going forward:

The Verge serves as a platform for MU students to engage with comprehensive multimedia content.

We have also made some structural changes to the organization. Firstly, The Verge will be testing out a new format in which all content for a given semester follows a designated theme, decided upon by the editorial staff. Secondly, the organization will be revitalizing its efforts to produce comprehensive, multimedia content. Finally, The Verge now operates in the newly renovated Interactive Digital Media Lab located in JP135. This space has been designated because of its ability to support the production and development of multimedia content, including video and audio.

Our staff has been working together since September to develop interesting stories, podcasts, and videos under the theme of “rebirth at Monmouth.” All of the articles deal with change, either directly within the Monmouth community or the world at large. We are incredibly excited to share with the campus community the projects we have been working on for the last several months, and are looking forward to continue developing these goals in the coming semesters.

If you are interested in becoming a contributor to The Verge, feel free to direct any questions to editor-in-chief, Regina Higgins, at s1112202@monmouth.edu. We also welcome any interested students to attend our weekly meetings, which take place every Wednesday at 3pm in JP135. Weekly meetings will resume in the Spring semester.

Please enjoy the new content, and follow us on social media!