West Long Branch, NJ (The Verge)– Instead of ordering a Venti Iced Chai Tea Latte from Starbucks, individuals will be able to swap coffee products for fresh bottled juices and smoothies such as the Spiced Carrot, made with carrots, blueberries, and cinnamon. Starbucks merged with Evolution Fresh in November 2011 for $30 million. The first Evolution Fresh opened in Bellevue, Washington this past week. Starbucks is targeting customers who are health conscious and want to improve their lifestyles by extending its inventory past the ordinary cup of coffee.
Evolution Fresh will offer a multitude of juices supplying individuals with vitamins and nutrients of fresh fruit and vegetables. Not only will customers be able to buy and taste the new juices, but they will also be able to buy salads, wraps, sandwiches, and soups all of which will be made with fresh fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and the essential vitamins. The 8-ounce drinks will sell for $4.99 and the 16-ounce drinks will be priced at $7.99.According to the Associated Press, the move is an attempt to expand its business its the healthy food market where rivals such as McDonald’s and Dunkin’ Donuts are making an effort to offer customers low-calorie and low-fat food options.
However, there are mixed feelings about the new and evolving juice bar because of competition from Jamba Juice, the number one smoothie and juice chain in America. Starbucks hopes to surpass the profits of Jamba Juice and make Evolution Fresh the next big thing. Starbucks has become a trustworthy coffee vendor and dedicated customers are sure to support their beloved coffee supplier. Starbucks has been building and creating brands for years now. The name of Starbucks says it all. Individuals rely on Starbucks to constantly update their style, name, products, and most importantly, their service to their customers, because let’s face it, without them; Starbucks would not be as big of a brand as we know it today.
Students are awaiting the arrival of Evolution Fresh near them. One Monmouth University student, Tom Ranzweiler stated, “I think Starbucks has made a very smart and conscientious decision. College students rely solely on coffee products to give them a boost and I believe they will learn to love Evolution Fresh juice products!” Evolution Fresh will certainly need the support of current Starbucks customers to help extend the products into a worldwide brand. The move to make Starbucks healthier and more colorful is certainly a smart business gesture by Starbucks’ CEO Howard Schultz. Our society is constantly drawn to staying fit and feeling great. The new juice and smoothie line will help reinforce those values and supply individuals with a nutritious, healthy, and happy drink!

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We started brainstorming of new ideas and innovative ways on how to create a more fun, neat, sophisticated and modern layout that would appeal to all audiences. It took us a little while to come up with some ideas and collaborate together on a model design we all loved. After that, we just selected a Monmouth University student who works with designing computer layouts. And here we are today! Thanks for the compliment and comment!