WEST LONG BRANCH, NJ—In today’s society, technologies expand the possibilities to share a voice while connecting with others around the globe. Whether it is through a book, poem or even a simple text message, it is always important to recognize and appreciate just how much we use different styles of writing in daily life.
October 20 marks National Day on Writing, which according to National Council of Teachers was officially recognized by Congress in 2014 as day that draws attention to the variety of writing we constantly immerse ourselves in. It is sponsored by a number of organizations, including the National Council of Teachers of English and The New York Times Learning Network.
Using #WhyIWrite, Twitter blew up as famous authors, celebrities, and aspiring writers shared their drive for writing and encouraged others to take part in the movement. But why should it be just a hashtag? Monmouth University students decided to keep the trend going outside of the digital realm by elaborating on why they write.
“One of my favorite things to do is write about something I love,” said Victoria Neil, senior communications major. “As cheesy and cliche as that sounds, it’s just really nice to freely talk about something you care about and something you’re really passionate about. I think that’s why my favorite thing to write about is television. It makes me so happy being able to review a show someone poured their heart and soul into and say nothing but wonderful things, even if no one who worked on the show sees it.”
Neil writes for The TV Addict as well as for her own blog TV with Victoria, where she interviews writers and show-runners about college and career advice for aspiring students.
“Its really wonderful and fulfilling to have people feel the same way you do when you write about a certain show or certain characters storyline,” she continued. “Plus it’s great when people read your work and geek out with you!”
Kelly Coffey, senior communications major and writer for Monmouth University’s The Outlook, also shared why she writes.
“I always enjoyed writing, but once I joined The Outlook, I knew that’s what I wanted to do for the rest of my life,” said Coffey. “I love writing because it is a way to express myself. I don’t really express my feelings too well face to face. I somehow express my feelings way better on paper. It also is a way for me to escape reality, even if it is only for a few moments.”
Aside from writing for The Outlook, Coffey contributes to BuzzFeed and the World of Walt as well as interns for Star News Group.
“When I am writing, it is like I am in my own world and no one can bother me. It makes me feel good about myself,” said Coffey.
Although National Day on Writing has now passed, celebrating individuality and educating others on the various forms of writing can be practiced and expressed at any time of year–whether that is through blogging, writing short stories, texting poetry, and so much more.