(The Verge)- During the month of November, many college students decide to participate in No Shave November. There are multiple charitable organizations that run No Shave November; the biggest one is Movember.
Movember is a charity event started in 1999 in Australia. It began in the US in 2004. It was started to raise men’s health awareness, and to donate money to prostate cancer research. Participants can create a “mo-bro” profile where they can allow guests to raise funds for their cause.
“Mo-Bro’s” can get incentives for participating once they reach $100 and $200 dollars. College students are eligible for a prize package called the “BMOC MO MO,” which stands for Big Moustache on Campus. This is when a “mo bro” who is in high school or college raises the most amount of money in their school. The winner receives a new bike, as well as some other Movember prizes.
Even companies such as Gillette are getting involved with Movember. According to their Facebook page, they are running a caption contest called “capture your mo” where if someone uploads a picture and has a good caption to go along with it, they have the chance to be featured on a billboard in Times Square. Movember also works with the Prostate Cancer foundation and the LIVESTRONG foundation.
Many people have their own reasons as to why they are participating in No Shave November. Sophomore Tyler Vandergrift said, “I’m doing it to raise awareness of prostate and testicular cancer.” While some have a personal reason of why they are participating in No Shave November, others just want to see what they look like with a beard or moustache for the first time.
Some people are curious to see what they look like with a beard. For Freshman Matt D’Astuto, he admitted that he liked having his beard for the month, but as soon as December 1 comes around, he will get rid of it.
While most people were shocked with how well their moustaches and beards came out, others were not so pleased with their results. Roy Ranous was disappointed with his results. “Yeah… I failed Movember,” said Ranous. “Shaved my head and face… now my head is nothing but a prickly ball of stubble.”
Whatever the cause, no shave November has become a hit across Monmouth University. The all-important question to men is if the ladies like some facial hair. Sophomore Anna Mikalauskas says, “While some guys can pull it off, others cannot.”