(The Verge) – The rugged style of ripped jeans remains a popular trend since the early 1970’s when the Ramone’s and Iggy Pop began the slashed craze. There are certain trends that die out, but there are others live on. Ripped jeans fall somewhere in the middle and can be seen as a signature style while others protest and consider it a fashion fau pas.
According to the Google news archives, The first in-depth newspaper article on ripped jeans was called “Fashion trend full of holes.” It appeared in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette on June 11, 1986. Peter Leo’s satirical column implicated the growing trend as a siren for the fashion police. Leo adds, “You understand neither fashion nor the American economy.” Leo claims that the sensation will live long enough and burn out, in a world full of outcasts who prefer a pumice stone and utility knife to fit in.
Once a sign of poverty and a symbol of rebellion, ripped jeans are becoming a global fad. They are also causing a cyber sensation, with the rise of blogs by fashion freelancers, chiming in on what’s hip on the runways of New York City.
On the Indian style blog, Strand of Silk, designer Vikram Phadnis observes, “When the fad of ripped jeans began in the west, it marked rebelliousness. Gradually, jeans makers have realized the popularity of this look, which has led to some really funky designs by the top denim labels. Today, you end up paying a lot more for a frayed pair of jeans, which shows how the trend has climbed up its way into the fashion ladder.”
Today, you will end up paying a lot more for a pair of frayed jeans, which shows how the trend has climbed up its way into the fashion ladder. Whether bought that way or naturally distressed over time, ripped jeans work with any outfit. It’s the perfect way to dress down a designer piece with simple accessories. A Cut 25 jacket, True Religion distressed jeans and Christian louboton heels make the ordinary look seem extraordinary.
Retail stores such as Abercrombie and Fitch, PacSun, Diesel and Hollister sell jeans pre-ripped, distressed or in different styles like the newer “boyfriend” ripped jean, for a casual feel. Denimology, a style blog based on denim, named the top 5 ripped looks for 2012 from the streets to the runway. PRPS dart jeans are number one because of their perfect balance of skinny and slouchy style. the rolled up Nobody or Genetic straight legs are classy yet comfortable, while Unknown Factory’s Biker jeans are soft and stretchy and about as tight as denim can get. Denim is available in many brands and most popular brands worn by celebrities are Anlo Jeans, J Brand, Siwy, Current Elliot, Dylan George and many more.
Many celebrities sport this trend on the streets of L.A and New York with a simple camisole, fitted blazer, or pair it with a rock studded tee. According to the style blog, “The Man Repeller,” Elle McPherson chose to wear a pair ofMET distressed skinny jeans from the Autumn/Winter 2009 collection. She personalized them by removing the overlaying distressing, adding to her modest look.
Another popular face in NYC who loves wearing ripped jeans is model Jackie Shetty. “I think it is casual and comfortable, but it still has that spunk,” says Jackie, who recollects an incident. “I was wearing this pair of jeans once that I had torn around my knee. My mother was petrified seeing that little patch, where my knees were visible, so she stitched a little black cloth patch to it. When I saw that, it looked quite
funky. The ripped and frayed look for your jeans essentially is something you can achieve at home.”
Acquiring a pair of ripped jeans can be expensive so a journey to the thrift store is the best option. A DIY perspective on wikiHow shows the process of creating them is both fun and affordable. The size and shape of the rip is the most important part of the entire process, when you decide on the techniques to use to tear the fabric apart. You will need: An old pair of jeans, coarse sandpaper, pumice stone, wood file, grater, utility knife, scissors and a small, flat block of wood.
First, draw a cutting line or pattern on the fabric with a pencil, and then place a block of wood inside the pant leg area. Rub and scrape the fabric in several directions using the pumice stone, wood file and grater. Loosen the fibers, scraping with the blade of the utility knife. Then, cut a hole through the loosened fibers using the scissors. Make sure to retain all the loose fibers, as they will progressively fray each time you wash the jeans. Bleach the fibers for a destroyed look, while accessorizing them with stockings or nylons underneath giving it the grunge effect.
The Monmouth community reacted to the trend on a poll conducted on March 11, 2013 at the student center. Amanda Messengel, a sophomore said, “I love ripped jeans, especially in the summer time.” Amanda Zwiggy, studying political science at Monmouth University commented, “I have destroyed jeans…but they’re actually that way because I had them for a few years and I’ve fallen down several times in them from concerts I’ve been to.” Yet others on campus disagree. Harrison Klostreich, an English major said, “I wouldn’t be too bummed to see this trend go; too many holes can look sloppy sometimes.” Whether or not students agree on the issue of ripped jeans, they are in at the moment with a permanent place in the world of fashion trends.
Fashion is everywhere with ripped jeans flooding the market in every style in a variety of colors. Whether it is a fashion fau pas or stylish addition to your look, this is one trend that won’t sew up anytime soon.