Honestly, it’s what I’ve been thinking about since my birthday.
I can still taste the cake I had in my dining room on my 16th birthday after spending the day with my high school sweetheart and all of my best friends in New York City being tourists. The six years since then have brought so much change to my life – changes I never expected.
At that time my life revolved around my friends, sports, and my boyfriend. Now single, non-athlete, in college, I have decided to live my life for ME and no one else.
Did you know the suicide affects people the most between the ages of 18 and 24 – also known as college years, for most? These are the years of growth and self-discovery. These are the years we are supposed to be enjoying the most, and figuring out who we are, not coming to the end of our lives. Life should not be a punishment, especially not at this young stage..
What do I mean by being selfish?
We are all twenty-somethings. Speak to any adult over the age of 30, and they will tell you that nothing went faster than their twenties. As college students, we work hard for our futures, dreaming of careers and comfort, spouses and family members, that future house or apartment in the dream city. But what no one seems to realize is all of those future goals involve working with and for someone else. People get lost in their goals and don’t realize that those goals cannot be successfully achieved unless you survive the journey there.
Getting lost in the pressure of the world is easy. Our parents, peers, and professors guide us to the path they want for us, with no motive but wanting the best for you. Do you know what is best for you? How can you set up a life that you didn’t make the foundation for it? As a 22-year-old, my responsibility level on a scale to 1-10 is a cool 4. With minimal bills and no children, why wouldn’t you focus on just you??
How exactly are you going to be selfish?
Take that nap you feel like you deserve.
Tweet that risky message.
Go up to that person you’ve been wanting to talk to.
Go out to a club in New York City on a Sunday night.
Get wasted every weekend.
Spend your last dollar on sushi.
Save your money.
Laugh when you want.
Cry when you want.
Live your life for you. Take risks you never wanted to take, jump even when you don’t know where your feet will land. Do what you want whenever you want to keep yourself healthy and happy and whole.
In your twenties, selfishness is a quality to be proud of. It’s easier to love the rest of the world when you love yourself. Confidence and wisdom come with experience. Life will continue whether you stay inside the box or jump right out of it. Judgement will come no matter what you do in life, might as well be judged doing what makes you happy.