The new central healthcare website is full of flaws, read on to find out just what is going on!
President Carter and Monmouth University Help to Rebuild Union Beach
President Carter and his wife Rosalynn assisted around 100 volunteers in Union Beach on Saturday Oct. 11.
A Brief Look at the 43rd Government Shutdown
How has the partial government shutdown impacted the American economy?
The Seaside boardwalk fire was contained at Lincoln Ave. and Boardwalk on Thursday at 10 p.m., but is still burning south of there.
Boston Terror Events in Review
The Boston Terror attacks have become a staple of world news in the past week, and here’s what happened:
Boston seems to have just become victim of a coordinated attack on innocent bystanders at the finish-line of the Boston Marathon.
Global Understanding: Gun Violence in America
The 2013 Global Understanding Convention had a presentation about Gun Violence in America, a topic that is in the minds of many Americans.
Ambassador Kurtzer Speaks Peace at MU
Former Ambassador to Israel and Egypt, Daniel Kurtzer spoke at Wilson Hall on March 5th.
Chuck Hagel Meets Fierce Senate Opposition
Chuck Hagel, the former Senator from Nebraska with a bit of a controversial history, has met a lot of criticism from his ‘fellow’ GOP.
You've Got Mail, Just Not on Saturdays
The USPS has implemented a new policy; no mail on Saturdays!